St. Mary's School Benefit Tickets ARE HERE!!!!!! 10,000 in Cash Prizes!! BUY NOW for many chances to WIN BIG Ticket pricing - Buy 1 for $20 or get a better 2 for $30!!!! Prizes are as following this year: $2000 $1500 $1000 2 - $500 10 - $100 52 - $50 Weekly Drawings - you have a chance to win all year long!
The above amounts will be drawn at the SMS Bingo night to be held on January 28, 2017 at the K of C Hall. You do not have to be present to win, but the bingo night is a lot fun - come out to enjoy!
Doors open Jan 28 at 5:30, Bingo starts at 7:00 No one under 18 admitted during Bingo
Buy Early AND with your tickets you ALSO have a chance to win........ Early Bird Drawings dates will be announced soon 2 - $250 Early Bird 2 - $200 Early Bird
Early Bird Winners - December 12, 2016 $250 - $200 -
Early Bird Winners - January 11, 2017 $250 - $200 -
Benefit Draw BIG WINNERS!!!! $2000 - David Steele $1500 - Mark Hocking $1000 -Don Price $500 - Hunter Pearson $500 - Jim Zimmer 10 $100 winners - Dave Guinnip, Rita Harness, Doug Little, Rose Speicher, Akenna Berberich, Gary Ritz, Mark Jones, Amy Duckworth, Jim Leuty, Nikki Fullop