May God bless you for your generosity, we all appreciate you so much.
See how YOUR donations are used for our children and our school!
YOUR Rockets Foundation Donations
Rockets Foundation Accomplishments & GOALS for the 2019-2020 School Year
- T Shirts for every student and staff member at SMS
- Technology updates - Windows, Chrome Book Licensing
- New Softball Equipment - $900
- New Basketballs for Girls Basketball - $460
- $100 donated to each teacher for supplies - total: $1600 Teachers Allowance
- Bradford Woods trip for 7th & 8th Grade
6th-8th Grade Canoe Trip - $480
- $3000 for Transportation for Field Trips
- Donation for 8th Grade Spring Trip
- Reading Night Donation
- Renaissance AR Subscription Renewal - $2500
- Sno Cone Stand at end of school year celebration
- Teachers Appreciation Luncheon in May
- New Recess Equipment for the playground - $500
- Ski Trip for 35 students - 5th - 8th Grade
- Volleyballs & Coaches Shirts - $150
- 2 Donors purchased a Clorox 360 Spray Machine for SMS
- Bottle filling water fountains, new standard water fountains
Rockets Foundation Accomplishments for the 2018-2019 School Year
- Polos for every student and staff member at SMS
- 12 Chrome Books, cases and licenses to be added for upper grades
- New Projector for Kindergarten $2300
- New Volleyball Uniforms
- Technology updates, Windows Licenses
- Sports Updates - new net for Volleyball
- $100 donated to each teacher for supplies - total: $1600 Teachers Allowance
- Bradford Woods trip for 8th Grade
- $3000 for Transportation for Field Trips
- Donation for 8th Grade Spring Trip
- Reading Night Donation - $60 for books for 1st and 2nd graders
- Renaissance AR Subscription Renewal - $2500
- 20 new iPads for Kindergarten and extras
- Gifts for Allendale - SMS Coop Cross Country Team
- 8th Grade Trip - Science Center, Transportation, Dinner, Arch
- 8th Grade Class - Graduation Caps & Gowns $364
- Cricut Cutting Machine
- Preschool Gowns for SMS to keep for Graduation Ceremonies
- Field Trips - Bowling, Ice Skating
- AR Field Trips - Cardinals Game - 5th thru 8th Grade, Walthers Golf & Fun - lower grades
Rockets Foundation ACCOMPLISHMENTS for the 2017-2018 School Year
- Polos for every student and staff member at SMS
- 20 Chrome Books, cases and licenses to be added for 4th Grade
- $525 for 8th Grade Class Trip to Camp Carson
- Paid 1/2 for Eclipse glasses for 3-8th Grade
- $1600 for Teachers Allowance
- Girls Basketball Jerseys
- $30 for 1st & 2nd Grade Reading Night to purchase books for students
- $500 Shopko Grant to purchase a TV for our SMS Gym
- Renaissance Accelerated Reader Subscription Renewal - $2000.00
- Awards for Students and Athletes of the month
- Track Jerseys - $665
- Volleyball Net, new Volleyballs $606.10
- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
- Kona Snow Cone Truck Rental for Field Day
- AR Trips K-5 to Sky Zone
- AR Trips 6-8 - Escape Room, Lunch, Ice Cream, Ice Skating
- Gifts for Cross Country Banquet
- Rockets Foundation ACCOMPLISHMENTS for the 2016-2017 School Year
- 50 Chrome Books added with donations from our Mardi Gras Fundraiser
- 50 Chrome Book cases, Chrome Licenses for software
$5000 toward building fund - $20,000 over 4 years to help pay the doors & windows project
- Renaissance Accelerated Reader Subscription Renewal - $2219.00
- $100 to each teacher for supplies ($1600 total)
- $900 toward projector for Kindergarten
- Kindergarten Rug for Mrs. Spencer's Students
- Polos for every student and staff member at SMS
- ESGI Program for Kindergarten
- 2 Pickleball Sets & Paddles for PE
- $1100 for Girls Basketball Uniforms
- $388.85 for 1st Grade Reading Program
- $4200 for RTI Reading Program
- $2500 for Upgrades to Technology Networking
- 3 Steel Carts for Lunchroom Use
- $300 for Novels used in 6th -8th Grade
- HP LaserJet Pro 400 Color Printer
- $1500 for 8th Grade Bradford Woods Trip - encourages team building and confidence
- Transportation for Confirmation Bus trip to Belleville
- $60 toward books for Family Reading Night 1st & 2nd Grade
$1000 toward transportation for 8th Grade Trip to St. Louis
- 5th Grade - Books, Novels, Posters, Lesson Plan Units, Classroom Supplies
- 4 - Commercial Pencil Sharpeners
- Technology - Windows License for SMS $644
- 4 Hard Drives to support SMS technology
- Teacher Retreat
Rockets Foundation ACCOMPLISHMENTS for the 2015-2016 School Year
- Added 7 iPads & Cases for Classroom Use
- Shorts for Volleyball Team, Coaches Shirts
- $5000 Gym Donation
- Pizza Party for March Dadness
- Basketball Camp for 9 players at WVC
$1000 for Travel for 8th Graders on 8th Grade Spring Trip
- Scanner for St. Mary's School Office & Staff use
- 10 Basketball Jerseys for Girls Basketball
- Microsoft Licensing for all SMS computers
- PE Equipment - hurdles, paddle ball set, agility ladder, flip2bfit game, fitness circuit cards, ball hop set of 6
- $2500 for 8th Grade Overnight Trip - 100% of the trip was covered by trash bag sales and the Rockets Foundation
- $100 for each Teacher for supplies - total of $1600 donated to teachers
-ESGI Program for Kindergarten
- 11 Laptops for Teacher Use
- Rug for 8th Grade
- Middle School Seder Meal
- SMS Rainforest Spirit Day
- 2 Breakaway Basketball Goals, 4 Anti-Whip Nets, 4 Braided Basketball Nets
- LED Basketball Possession Indicator
- Kindergarten Envision Math
- Nitro Joe's Science Show for Catholic Schools Week
- Open Top Storage Cart for PE/Recess
- 2 iPads added for 5th Grade
- Oregon Trail Program for Social Studies
- Polos for every student and staff member at SMS
- $50 for Scholastic Books - Each 1st and 2nd Grader that attends Family Reading Night will receive a book
Rockets Foundation ACCOMPLISHMENTS for the 2014-2015 School Year
- Mural for Gymnasium Wall
- $1430 from trash bag sales for the 8th Grade Trip to St. Louis, MO - Science Center, Magic House, Arch, Zoo and dinner at the Spaghetti Factory!
- New Ice Machine for SMS
- $280 to cover t-shirts, membership fees & conference fees for the St. Mary's School Scholar Bowl Team
- Our first payment of $5000 to the SMS Renovation Fund to "adopt" the Gymnasium
- 2 new scoreboards! They look great!
- Donation to the Scholar Bowl team to cover shirts & all fees
- $100 to each teacher for teaching supplies - $1500 total!:
French - 4 Books, French Passport Kit, Posters
- Microsoft Licensing for all SMS computers
Art - Artist Pencils, Scratch Paper, Confetti, Sparkle, Stickers
- Luminosity Membership for brain training program
- $200 donation to the SMS/Allendale Co-op baseball team
- $$ Donation to the SMS Concession stand to get it up and running for this season
- Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
- 10 Intermediate Dictionaries for 7th Grade
- Pizza for March "Dadness"
- Catered BBQ Dinner from Rub 'em Right BBQ for staff for teacher appreciation week
- Embroidered Polos for each student and staff member of SMS
- $1040 to cover every student and teacher attending the 8th Grade class Leadership trip
- Pads for Volleyball Referee Stand
- Sports passes to home games for Golden Rocket Sponsors
Rockets Foundation ACCOMPLISHMENTS for the 2013-2014 School Year
- New Paint and Look for the SMS Gymnasium
- SMS T-shirts for every student, teacher, & staff member
$475 for 5th-8th Graders trip to Springfield
- Air Conditioner for Kitchen
- Air Conditioner for School Office
- Mulch for the playground and school grounds $1705
- Kirby G Series vacuum for maintenance
- Teachers & Staff Appreciation Luncheon
- New CDs and AR Books for 1st Grade
- Referee Stand for Volleyball - Thank you to the YIA for your donation!!!!
- Improvements to the SMS Gymnasium - PAINTING DONE - Over the next 4 years, the Rockets Foundation is planning on spending $5,000 a year to "adopt" the gym to cover the new windows that were put in during the building improvement project and other gym improvements including new score boards and more
- T-Shirt designed by 8th Grade Class for every student enrolled at SMS
- 10 Position Jackbox for 1st Grade Classroom to allow them to have 10 headsets hooked up at one time!
Foray Aluminum Framed Dry Erase Boards - (2) 48x96, (1) 48x72 for 4th Grade Classroom
- Pizza for March Dadness
- Luminosity Membership for brain training program
- Microsoft Licensing for all SMS computers
- 10 Position Jackbox for our Kindergarten Classroom
- $225 for 8th Grade Class Dance DJ
- Teachers and Staff Appreciation Luncheon for May catered by Rub 'em Right BBQ
- Continuing Education for 4 Teachers to attend Ag in the Classroom this summer
Rockets Foundation ACCOMPLISHMENTS for the 2012-2013 School Year:
- SMS Tshirts designed by this years 8th grade
class were given to each student at SMS
- Volleyball Net
- Microsoft Licensing for all SMS computers
- Girls Basketball Uniforms
- Boys Basketball Uniforms
- Luminosity Membership for brain training program
- Fundraising Donations given directly to SMS in the following amounts:
- $6500 Give Thanks Fundraiser
- $1370 Tervis Tumber Fundraiser
- $317 Sweet Corn sales at Ag Days
- Teacher Appreciation Week Luncheon
- Team Entry for Girls Basketball Camp
- $215 Donation for 8th Grade Dance
- $100 to begin the Building Improvement Fund
Improvements to Technology for SMS throughout the years
We have been able to place around 50+ total iPads in our school thanks to your donations!
2 iPads added for 5th Grade
3 more iPads for 4th Grade 3 more iPads for 1st Grade iPad Air for the schools use iPad for Donna Martin's RTI classrom iPad covers for existing iPads |
iPad for 6th Grade Use, iPad for 8th Grade Use

THREE Lego Mindstorms Education sets for
Grades 5-8 Science classes!
This essential core building set and programming software serve as the base for endless NXT robotic creations. The building set includes 431 elements, featuring:
Intelligent Brick*New rechargeable lithium DC battery and charger* 3 servo motors*1 each: light sensor, sound sensor, ultrasonic sensor*2 touch sensors*3 rotation sensors built into the motors*7 connector cables (one .2M, two .5M, four .35M)*USB cable*Hundreds of Technic building elements*Plastic storage bin with sorting trays
The NXT Software features an icon-based programming environment, and
it’s easy to get started. Built into the software is Robot Educator, a
step-by-step guide with 46 tutorials, from beginner to advanced levels.
Data-logging functionalities make it easy to collect and analyze data from
Grades 5-8 Science classes!
This essential core building set and programming software serve as the base for endless NXT robotic creations. The building set includes 431 elements, featuring:
Intelligent Brick*New rechargeable lithium DC battery and charger* 3 servo motors*1 each: light sensor, sound sensor, ultrasonic sensor*2 touch sensors*3 rotation sensors built into the motors*7 connector cables (one .2M, two .5M, four .35M)*USB cable*Hundreds of Technic building elements*Plastic storage bin with sorting trays
The NXT Software features an icon-based programming environment, and
it’s easy to get started. Built into the software is Robot Educator, a
step-by-step guide with 46 tutorials, from beginner to advanced levels.
Data-logging functionalities make it easy to collect and analyze data from

Superior Real-Time Document and iDevice Capture
Document Cameras for Kinders, 1st, 2nd, & 4th Grade Classrooms!
Purchased one for 5th Grade for the 2014-2015 School Year!!!!
IPEVO has raised the bar yet again with Ziggi-HD. With new
high-resolution formats, up to 6x zoom, and a powerful 5.0 Megapixel camera,
Ziggi-HD delivers stunning real-time HD video for teachers, presenters, and
businesspeople. Ziggi-HD features the same versatility that makes the original Ziggi such a hit
with educators and businesspeople. This includes a multi-jointed stand so you
can position the camera just where you need it, and a swiveling head so you can
get the right orientation. If you haven't used Ziggi, you'll be amazed at just
how easy it is to capture what you want.
Document Cameras for Kinders, 1st, 2nd, & 4th Grade Classrooms!
Purchased one for 5th Grade for the 2014-2015 School Year!!!!
IPEVO has raised the bar yet again with Ziggi-HD. With new
high-resolution formats, up to 6x zoom, and a powerful 5.0 Megapixel camera,
Ziggi-HD delivers stunning real-time HD video for teachers, presenters, and
businesspeople. Ziggi-HD features the same versatility that makes the original Ziggi such a hit
with educators and businesspeople. This includes a multi-jointed stand so you
can position the camera just where you need it, and a swiveling head so you can
get the right orientation. If you haven't used Ziggi, you'll be amazed at just
how easy it is to capture what you want.
Current Board Members for Rockets Foundation:
Pres - Matt Pyatt Vice Pres - Abraham Naas
Secretary - Erin Mann, Treasurer-at-large - Melissa Strine
Clayton Stevens, Josh Evans, Amy Woodcock, Katelyn Johnson, Alex Crummley, Brigitte Ruth
EMAIL: [email protected]
Pres - Matt Pyatt Vice Pres - Abraham Naas
Secretary - Erin Mann, Treasurer-at-large - Melissa Strine
Clayton Stevens, Josh Evans, Amy Woodcock, Katelyn Johnson, Alex Crummley, Brigitte Ruth
EMAIL: [email protected]